Monday, November 13, 2017


So today I was thinking about expectations. People expect an explanation about stuff that has nothing to do with them. Folks wanna know why or how my ex husband could take me back after I had a whole relationship with someone else. Besides the fact that I'm me and I'm great, the fact is, he took me back because he loves me. And I make his life better. Just like he makes mine better. We have eight years, two kids, and a lot of love together. So why did we split up in the first place? Well, sometimes you have to lose everything to appreciate it. We had to lose each other for him to be a better husband and for me to be a better wife. No we aren't perfect, but I know for the first time since I met him, that he loves me. Truly loves me all the way down to his soul. And I've always loved him. Despite everything. I never lied to anyone about that. That boy has had my heart since the first day I met him.
The guy I was seeing expects an explanation. So here it is in a nutshell. I didn't leave my husband for him. I left my husband for me. Like I said yesterday, our marriage had gotten to a place where I didn't know if we could fix it. We were still friends, but he was going through something and it made him lose focus. And I was tired. But I digress. I left him for me. I needed better and I deserved better. Dude came through and there was history between us. And at first it was great. The birds were chirping. I'd never heard that before.  But then it got sour. I really don't want to bash him and put his business out there. So let's just say, it went sour. I'm saying all of this to say, I didn't dump dude for my ex husband either. Even though he seems to think that was the case, he knows, deep down that it wasn't.
At the end of the day, I'm happy. My family is back together. My ex husband wants me. He loves me. And I want him. And those who have a problem with that can keep it to themselves.

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